Link to buy Here! These are all of the Canik offerings that are CURRENTLY IN STOCK - TP9DA from Impact Guns! - Sportsman's Warehouse Canik Selections - PSA Canik Selections - Blazer Brass 115gn FMJ's used in this firearm test

Now... to the written review!
Quality Impressions -

Here is a little background. I gave my wife a gift card so she can buy whichever gun she wanted at my local gun store. She has had here eye on the Canik handguns, and decided to get herself this model. This is the Canik TP9DA. This Striker-Fired handgun has a pretty incredible feature... a Decocker! This model really gives you options, and if you intend to carry this firearm, you have the option to decock the striker enabling you to have an extended first trigger pull. This firearm also has second-strike ability... if the round doesn't detonate on first strike, a second trigger squeeze might do the trick... but that is a bit... Meh..
Initial impression on quality... and it seems like it's well built. No noticeable blemishes, no mechanical issues or hiccups.
(Text here is Copied from the Canik Website)
The TP9DA was designed to give shooters the ability to carry a double-action/single-action style trigger in a modern polymer frame. The user-friendly decocker system enables users to carry the TP9DA with an extended first trigger pull, similar to traditional hammer-fired pistols. It is an ideal size compromise between a compact and full-size handgun featuring a 4.07” match grade barrel and interchangeable backstraps for a custom fit.
When you purchase this firearm, you will also get a a hard case, two magazines, and a Kydex holster.

Comfort and Ergonomic Impressions -

Comfy! The TP9DA comes with interchangeable back straps for more of a custom fit depending on the shooters paws. Cuts seem to fit my hand perfectly, especially the grooves near the magazine release where my thumb settles. However... There is the issue of front stippling for the support hand. It lacks some texture, but this is 100% preference.

After a few hundred rounds between my wife attending a handgun course and then me reviewing this firearm... it has yet to malfunction. It has eaten every round put into it, and has not had a failure to eject or feed. Ejection pattern is very consistent, and the ejected casings don't hit me on the head. Accuracy seems to be just fine, and more accurate than my own capabilities. The sites are easy to acquire, and the firearm generally does a great job of staying on-target. The ammunition I used for this review is Blazer Brass 115gn FMJ's.
The Negatives...
Nothing too negative to say here... For a handgun that is sub $380. I guess the only negative I have to say is the lack of texture for my support hand thumb. With a lot of todays modern stippling and designs, I kind of wish there was a little...more. When shooting the gun for the first time, my thumb kept looking for a place to settle when firing. After a few shots I found myself adjusting my grip (milking the grip). After I started getting comfortable... I was able to fire it without any additional adjustment. That really is the only negative I have experienced with the TP9DA.
Overall Experience and Satisfaction
Incredible firearm, especially for the EXTREMELY affordable price tag! I have seen this gun online for less then $350. The performance has been flawless, the styling and ergos look and feel great! The TP9DA also comes with two magazines and a Kydex holster which is actually pretty nice!
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